We held the first of our working tests for 2023, an AV Retriever Open at Heddington Nr Calne on Saturday 15th of April. We are very grateful and give our thanks to the landowner Mr Nick Tyler for letting us run our dogs on some fabulous and challenging ground, and thanks to our judges, Karen McCarthy, Jane Manley, Lindy Higham and Charlotte Wilkinson. Thanks also go to our incredible team of helpers - Nikki, Philippa, Katie, Briony, Paul, Howard, Debbie, Mike, Michael & Linda. Thanks go to Kelvin Selway for inviting us & to MC Event Loos (yes, we had loos)!
Thank you to Skinners for sponsoring this event.
1st & the Farleigh Cup to Jayne Coley with Lab D, Kilpen Nightcap of Waterford
2nd Kevin Phillips with Lab D, Fendawood Jacob
3rd Mervin Newnes with Lab B, Castletioram Nighean Alba
4th Rob Smallman with Lab B, Caitlin Primrose
CoM Felicity Green with Lab B, Ashoaks Spindle
CoM John Cullen with Lab D, Nabside Max