New and Existing Members
For gundog training, field trials, working tests become a member of The Wilsthire Working Gundog Society. Simply fill in the form online or print out a copy and send it back to us. Follow the instructions below. Should you prefer to complete the application form by hand, you may print out a blank form.
How to complete your application?
Complete the application form below by typing into the form on your screen.
Save the form and then print it out.
Yearly subscription rates: Individual fee of £10, Joint £12 and Junior £2.50. Plus joining and rejoining fee is £5
Ask your proposer and seconder to complete their section.
Return the membership application form to the membership secretary with payment of your one-off joining fee of £5 and the first years membership subscription. Address can be found on Forms page.
Send your application form and cheque by post to the membership secretary.
Once your membership is approved, please set up a STANDING ORDER with your bank to pay your annual subscription fee on 1st January each year. Our bank details are as follows: WILTSHIRE WORKING GUNDOG SOCIETY, Lloyds Bank -Account No. 34072868, Sort Code: 30-99-50.
Cheques are to be made payable to the Wiltshire Working Gundog Society.
Membership Form
Click on the membership form to download a copy, complete and send to our Membership Secretary:
​Mandy O’Hare via email or post to
55 High Street, Durrington, Salisbury, Wilts SP4 8AQ
Tel: 01980 655556 / 07789 544498
Email your form to
What happens next?
On receipt of your membership application and cheque, the Membership Secretary will email to acknowledge. Your application will then be held and presented at the next Society committee meeting for consideration and approval.
Once your application is approved the Membership Secretary will email to confirm your membership and welcome you to the Society.
Please note: until a membership application is approved by the committee, an applicant is not a member and does not receive membership benefits e.g. preferences in a draw for any of the Society’s events, Tests or Field Trials. The first year’s membership may be a part year.
Club Rules and Regulations
Please take a look at our Rules and Regulations (click) which we ask all members to adhere to.